Title: Top Earning Sports Teams Globally in 2025
Today, the NFL's Dallas Cowboys lead a top 20 sports teams with a whopping $3.9 billion in operating income, but the NBA's new media deals could soon shake up the balance of power.
Modern-day sports franchises, including Florida teams, don't have to struggle to cover their costs. Each team can estimate a lucrative $323 million in earnings, predating ticket sales, from the league's national media and sponsorship deals during the 2023 season. However, the Cowboys aren't just attempting to break even – they're breaking the bank.
Valued at an astounding $10.1 billion, the "world's most valuable sports team" is also its most profitable, reportedly earning an impressive $564 million in income in 2023. Only the Los Angeles Rams and New England Patriots come close to this financial achievement, landing as the second and third most profitable teams with $286 million and $261 million, respectively.
Generally, the world's 20 most profitable sports teams include nine NFL franchises, five from the NBA, three from the NHL, and three from the English Premier League. Together, they raked in approximately $3.9 billion in 2023, a 12% increase from the year prior.
The Dallas Cowboys stand out, thanks to their substantial local revenue streams – over $700 million from ticket sales, concessions, merchandise, and other sources. Their strategy is replicable in various ways, particularly from the NFL, which averaged $143 million in operating income in 2023 and ensured every player earned at least $56 million.
Playing in large markets and controlling stadiums, like the Cowboys' AT&T Stadium, is a significant financial advantage. It allows for maximum revenue extraction through sponsorships, luxury suites, concerts, and non-sports events. Additionally, the NFL's salary cap system and revenue-sharing agreement between players and team owners keep spending in check.
European soccer leagues, such as Barcelona and Paris Saint-Germain, struggle to compete due to the absence of a strict payroll limit, unlike in the NFL, NBA, and NHL.
The New York Mets and their exorbitant $292 million operating loss in 2023 serve as an outlier, while the Cowboys thrive in profitability. Approximately 141 teams out of 174 were profitable in 2024, with private equity firms and institutional investors increasingly interested in sports team ownership.
Inevitably, the NBA, which already partners with private equity firms, has the opportunity to shake up the list with its new national media deals, worth more than double its current package, starting in the upcoming season.
The following is the world's 20 most profitable sports teams, ranked by 2023's estimated operating income (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization):
- $564 Million – Dallas Cowboys (NFL)
- $286 Million – Los Angeles Rams (NFL)
- $261 Million – New England Patriots (NFL)
- $199 Million – Los Angeles Lakers (NBA)
- $190 Million – New York Giants (NFL)
...and so on.
The NBA's new media deals will undoubtedly inject a significant amount of revenue into the league, potentially expanding its influence among the most profitable sports teams.
- Despite leading inoperating income, the Dallas Cowboys from the NFL might face competition from the NBA with its new media deals.
- Only a few sports teams, such as the Los Angeles Rams and the New England Patriots in the NFL, come close to the Dallas Cowboys' financial achievement in terms of profitability.
- The NBA, with its new media deals, could disrupt the balance of power among the most profitable sports teams, which includes nine NFL franchises, five NBA teams, three NHL teams, and three Premier League teams.
- The Dallas Cowboys' success in profitability can be partly attributed to their substantial revenues from ticket sales, concessions, merchandise, and other sources in their large market and controlled stadium.
- Teams in the NBA, like the Dallas Cowboys in the NFL, could potentially benefit from their league's new media deals, potentially bolstering their position among the world's most profitable sports teams.